Third Temple Photo Gallery

Patriarchs/Matriarchs - Hevron & Bethlehem with sites in surrounding area

" Hevron (Hebron) Structure on top of the Cave of Makhpela -
Tomb of Avrahom, Yitzhak (Isaac), Yakov (Jacob), Leah, Rivka, Adam & Chavah (Eve), and Esav's (Esau) head."
"Kever Yosef (Joseph) in Shekhem" and other important sites.

 all photographs are limited editions and signed by Avrahom Dovid

all Photos are 14.5" x 10" (36.3 x 25 cm), unless otherwise stated

You may click on any picture to enlarge it

Hevron # 1 - Cave of Makhpela is under the structure which was originally constructed by king Herod.

Hevron # 2 - Cave of Makhpela structure with palms

Hevron # 3 - Cave of Makhpela structure in the center of the photo

Hevron # 4 - Cave of Makhpela structure at night

Hevron # 5 - Cave of Makhpela structure at night

Hevron # 6- Kever Yishi (King David's father) and Ruth's Kever at this location which is less than 1 kilometer from the Cave of Makhpela. View enlarged photo to see important historical information.

Kever Rochel # 1 - in Bethlehem. This picture shows the Kever the way it looked for centuries (it has since been fortified to protect it).

Kever Rochel # 2 - in Bethlehem. Same time as #1, different angle (an archive shot).

Kever Rochel # 3 - Bethlehem - also as 10" x 8". An intimate inside photograph, before the renovations.

Hevron # 7 - Alone Mamre (Ancient Threshing floor). Close to the city of Hevron

Outside wall of the structure built on top of the Cave of the Patriarchs (Mara HaMakhpela) in Hevron. In the lower left corner of the photo is one corner of a very large Sukka.

Outside wall of the structure built on top of the Cave of the Patriarchs (Mara HaMakhpela) in Hevron.




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